In order to make the monthly payments, do you need to enter so many details again and again? Well, it’s time to get rid of it, because paykaan is here with their premium payout option. Just have a virtual account and start making payouts.
Insert the source account details from where you will add the balance to your payout account. You can add one or many accounts here.
paykaan will verify the accuracy of the details entered and verify your account.
Once your details are reviewed successfully, you will receive the virtual/payout account details from paykaan.
paykaan brings quick and easy money transfers to your fingertips:
With the virtual account details, successful transactions with your suppliers, partners, and salary dispatch to your employee accounts become an easy affair.
Add balance
Once you receive the payout account details, start adding balance in it from the source account.
Add beneficiary Id and amounts
Add the details of the recipients – name, account number, contact details, etc. or go for bulk upload when you want bulk payouts. paykaan will review the beneficiary account details too.
Schedule it for later or sent right then
You are all set to pay the beneficiaries. If you want to pay them later, set the time or go for instant payouts.
paykaan understands the cost of a few minutes of delay in transferring the amount to the beneficiaries. For paykaan, your image matters the most. On-time and successful payouts will make you more reliable as a partner, employer, etc. So, just step into the world of paykaan payouts and experience fast and effortless money transfers.
Let’s put an end to all your struggles to make hefty payouts to your vendors, retailers, partners, etc. It’s time to make payday more delightful for your employees with punctuality and accuracy. paykaan’s best payout services are here to help you with an overall easy payment processing.
Having queries? Let’s see we can resolve or not!
paykaan sees you as a brand and by every means we ensure that your brand image remains good. Through paykaan invoices, show your customers that you charge only for what they have seen. Let them know that you do not take any hidden charge from them.