paykaan understands that your money is hard-earned and leaves no stone unturned to keep it safe. We take help of an integrated database from reliable sources to detect fraudulent activities and notify you.
Your Safety is Our Responsibility – yes, we mean this wholeheartedly.
Our merchants have succeeded in reducing their fraud rate between 50-75% in past years. Based on the suspicious activity reports, we recognize the fraudulent activities in our system and block it very carefully so that your money remains safely in your account.
paykaan has a built-in fraud protection tool. Our advanced fraud detection suite comes with easy configuration filters to help you in setting a safe payment environment. We ensure high success rate along with lightning speed payments without compromising with the security factors.
paykaan sees you as a brand and by every means we ensure that your brand image remains good. Through paykaan invoices, show your customers that you charge only for what they have seen. Let them know that you do not take any hidden charge from them.